[1] The feasible region for consecutive patterns of permutations is a cycle polytope (with Raul Penaguiao). FPSAC 2020, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, 84B.30 (2020), 12 pp.

We study proportions of consecutive occurrences of permutations of a given size. Specifically, the limit of such proportions on large permutations forms a region, called feasible region. We show that this feasible region is a polytope, more precisely the cycle polytope of a specific graph called overlap graph. This allows us to compute the dimension, vertices and faces of the polytope, and to determine the equations that define it.

Finally we prove that the limit of classical occurrences and consecutive occurrences are in some sense independent. As a consequence, the scaling limit of a sequence of permutations induces no constraints on the local limit and vice versa.

This is an extended abstract of this work accepted for the conference FPSAC 2020.